A tiny speck of dust...
This world contains millions of species and we are one of them but when it comes to humility, its something which we not just lack but have a severe deficiency of... That is probably the reason why our own species has always tried to grab all the available resources from every other species on earth.
As i saw through a truly amazing videohttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MnFMrNdj1yY&feature=player_embedded , there was one grounding experience from a very heavenly view. The earth is a tiny dot in our hugely vast galaxy and our galaxy is a mere piece of a humongous universe.
In this tiny dot, lives millions or rather billions of species and one of those millions is a human being and among those billions of humans, is a person called "I". This I experiences all the joys and the sorrows on this tiny speck of dust in universe and also tries hard to conquer and win it.
Heard a story during school days which said "that a fish which lives in the well, believes the well is the world" Aren't we humans doing the same and while we do this, don't we take pride in this illusion that we become the most supreme or powerful or important person in this world. We lead a life which is full of "Me" and this me hardly has any existence in this universe.
This "I" tries to fool the other "I" by showing his superiority through education, morals, money, power or wit and starts believing that he can achieve everything though in reality all he is doing is just fooling himself.
Shouldn't this "I" realize that he is highly insignificant part of a tiny speck of dust in the universe which seems even smaller than a pixel on a computer screen and humbly accept that he can never achieve supremacy. All he can do is grow and accept the fact that there are multitude of things which he doesn't know and its simply his thirst for its knowledge, that will help him quench his thirst for supremacy.
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